
  • News


appID?: string

This must be an exact match to the bundleIdentifier of the app listing in order for it to work properly.

This is required if you want an app listing to appear below the news item for quick installation.

It also makes it so that when a user click on the news item, it will take them to the specified app's page. This will be overridden if a url is also specified.

caption: string

Similar to the caption for your app listing, this should be about a sentence. While there is technically no limit to the caption size, no one wants a giant text blob in their news feed.

If there is more to your news than a couple sentences can deliver, try using an image or link to a website.

date: string

This date should follow the same format as date for app listings: YYYY-MM-DD.

Please note that the date does not currently display on any news items and neither does the time (if provided). Instead, it is required for SideStore to organize the news into chronological order.

identifier: string

This must be a unique identifier that should not be used by any other news items in SideStore.

imageURL?: string

This should be a direct link to any image you want to feature on your news item. The recommended size for this image is 960x540 or any image with a 16:9 aspect ratio. SideStore will also take whatever image you provide it with, then crop and center it to the correct aspect ratio. Be careful not to put any important information in the corners since the SideStore rounds the images corners by default.

notify?: boolean

When set to true, SideStore will send all users of the source a notification with the title of the news item.

Note that the notification will not be instantaneous: it will occur whenever SideStore attempts a background refresh (the same time that update notifications occur) and it does require users to leave SideStore running in the background.

tintColor?: string

This has the same function as tintColor. The only difference is that now it will be used as the background color for your news item. Keep in mind that it does not apply to the app listing if you supplied an appID. The app listing that appears below the news article will use the tintColor specific to that app.

title: string

Fairly straightforward, this will be the headline for your news item.

url?: string

This should be used to link users to a website when they click the news item. The link will open in SideStore's built-in web browser (based off safari).

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