
  • App


beta?: boolean

Here you can specify whether apps should be classified as a beta application and receive a special beta tag on its app listing.

Currently, this is also tied in with the Patreon app locking system used with AltStore/Delta betas. But it is not recommended to attempt to use it for this purpose since it will ultimately be changing in the future.

bundleIdentifier: string

SideStore uses this to separate apps as individual listings.

This must be the same as your application's CFBundleIdentifier (located in Info.plist) in order for SideStore to be able to open the app after installation. Technically, it can be any unique string, but for all SideStore functionality to work, it should be the same as the application.

developerName: string

Also self-explanatory, this is just the name of the developer/developers that will appear in the SideStore app listing.

downloadURL?: string

This should point directly to wherever your IPA is hosted.

If you are planning on releasing your app in the future, this property is still required but it doesn't have to actually point to a valid file.


Please use the versions property, this is just for backwards compatibility

iconURL: string

This should point directly to wherever you host the icon for your app. Note that this doesn't have to be the same as the icon used for the actual application, but it is recommended to maintain consistency.

localizedDescription: string

This is where you can include every feature and detail about your app. The user will see the first 5 lines of text then they can click "More" to expand to the full section. So you should think of the first couple sentences as a quick pitch for your app.

name: string

Rather self-explanatory, this is the name of your app as it should appear in the SideStore.

permissions?: Permission[]

This is to show the user what various permissions your app requires. Create an entry for each separate permission your app requires.

It is highly recommended to include these permissions if your app uses them as this disclosure provides additional trust with the user.

screenshotURLs?: string[]

These should point directly to any number of screenshots/images that display your app's functionality. The first two will be displayed under the app listing in the browse tab, and the rest will be visible on the app's page.

size?: number

This is an integer value that should be set equivalent to the size of your IPA in bytes. This gives the user an idea of how large the application is before they install.


Please use the versions property, this is just for backwards compatibility

subtitle?: string

This should be a very short description of your app that will appear in the browse tab of SideStore. It should give a quick one sentence explanation of your app and why a user wants it. The most effective subtitles tend to around 6-10 words long.

tintColor?: string

This might take some experimentation, but the best tint color is usually choosing one of the darker colors represented in your app icon. The tint color will be used in two places:

  • For the install button
  • As a background color for the larger app listing bubble (but this will be a lighter shade)

The tint color must be in the 6 character Hex format, with the '#' before the 6 characters as optional.

version?: string

This must match your application's CFBundleShortVersionString (located in Info.plist) in order for SideStore updates to work properly.


Please use the versions property, this is just for backwards compatibility

versionDate?: string

This should be the date that you are releasing your application, and should be written in the format YYYY-MM-DD (other formats standard formats will work as well, but this is the only info required and shown to the user).

If you are planning on releasing your application in the future, after everyone has installed your source, there is an additional format available: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

Using this format will create an automatic timer countdown to the release time specified. Please note that the time is automatically assumed to be UTC and uses a 24 hour clock.

If you would rather use the time in your timezone, add -08:00 to the end of the date, where that -08 corresponds to the number of hours difference between UTC and your timezone. It is also important to note that UTC does not change with daylight saving time, so be careful if you are releasing around that time of year as it can be easy to miscalculate.


Please use the versions property, this is just for backwards compatibility

versionDescription?: string

Use this to tell the user what new features you introduced or what bugs you squashed with the latest version.


Please use the versions property, this is just for backwards compatibility

versions: Version[]

A list containing the version(s) of your application. New with AltSource v2.0 API.

Important note: SideStore will display the first version (with compatible min/max iOS versions) in the list as the "latest" release, regardless of version or date. So keep in mind that the order that versions appear must be in reverse chronological order.

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