Interface Config


  • Config


baseConfigURL?: string

Specifies the URL to base the config on. This is especially helpful when you have multiple release channels and you need a different source for each release channel but want to reduce duplicate configuration.

If the config is hosted in a public GitHub repository, please use the format github:{user or org}/{repo name}/{file path}. For example, github:SideStore/SideSource/example/config/base.json. This will allow us to get around the rate limiting of raw files using the GitHub API.

If you are not using a custom domain (aka you are not using caching), you should not use any github: URLs. github: URLs resolve using GitHub's API, which is limited to 60 requests per hour without an access token, which will be exceeded very quickly without caching. Instead, use the URL that your browser goes to when viewing the "raw" contents of a file.

cacheTime?: number

Number of minutes results will be cached for. If 0, caching will be disabled.

Defaults to 4 hours (240 minutes).

configURL?: string

Specifies the URL to fetch the config as JSON. This allows for updating the config without having to re-deploy the cloudflare worker.

If the config is hosted in a public GitHub repository, please use the format github:{user or org}/{repo name}/{file path}. If you need to specify a branch, use this format: github:{user or org}/{repo name}/{file path}?{branch}. For example, github:SideStore/SideSource/example/config/stable.json. This will allow us to get around the rate limiting of raw files using the GitHub API.

If you are not using a custom domain (aka you are not using caching), you should not use any github: URLs. github: URLs resolve using GitHub's API, which is limited to 60 requests per hour without an access token, which will be exceeded very quickly without caching. Instead, use the URL that your browser goes to when viewing the "raw" contents of a file.

Required if remoteConfig is not false. Otherwise, it does nothing.

inputs?: Input[]

Inputs for the source.

news?: News[]
overrides?: Record<string, any>

An object that will be used to override properties.

Example 1

Your source output looks something like this:

"name": "Source",
"identifier": "com.example.source",
"apps": [
"name": "My App",
"identifier": "com.example.myapp"

If you want to change the name property of the first app, you could set overrides to this:

"apps": [
"name": "Override"


"name": "Source",
"identifier": "com.example.source",
"apps": [
"name": "Override",
"identifier": "com.example.myapp"

Example 2

However, if you have more than one app, like this:

"name": "Source",
"identifier": "com.example.source",
"apps": [
"name": "My App",
"identifier": "com.example.myapp"
"name": "My App 2",
"identifier": "com.example.myapp2"

If you only want to override the second one, you will need to do this:

"apps": [
"name": "Override"

Note the first empty app override. Result:

"name": "Source",
"identifier": "com.example.source",
"apps": [
"name": "My App",
"identifier": "com.example.myapp"
"name": "Override",
"identifier": "com.example.myapp2"

Example 3

You can also manually specify the paths to override with property paths:

"apps[0].name": "Override"

Result (using previous 2 app example):

"name": "Source",
"identifier": "com.example.source",
"apps": [
"name": "Override",
"identifier": "com.example.myapp"
"name": "My App 2",
"identifier": "com.example.myapp2"
remoteConfig?: boolean

If set to false, the config will not be fetched from configURL. This is not recommended because you will have to re-deploy your cloudflare worker whenever you want to change the config.

Defaults to true.

source?: {
    identifier: string;
    name: string;
    sourceURL?: string;

Source metadata

Type declaration

  • identifier: string

    This is a bundle identifier SideStore uses to keep your source separate from every other source. For this reason, it is recommended to follow Apple's standard for an identifier.

    It's important to note here that changing this identifier down the road will have consequences. Users with the source already installed will suddenly have conflicting identifiers with the online source and will cause an error in SideStore that will require them to completely remove the source before they can add it back.

  • name: string

    The name of your source.

  • Optional sourceURL?: string

    If your user adds your Source using a URL shortener or you have the link to file stored on CDN, it is recommended that you include this property. This allows SideStore to save the exact link to the file which speeds up retrieval time.

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